Given the popularity of online ordering for office and home supplies, consumers now have an abundance of cardboard boxes. As a result, the natural question they’re asking is, “What can we do with them once we’re done that’s responsible and …
Given the popularity of online ordering for office and home supplies, consumers now have an abundance of cardboard boxes. As a result, the natural question they’re asking is, “What can we do with them once we’re done that’s responsible and …
The global need for cardboard boxes continues to skyrocket as consumers bombard e-commerce sites like Amazon, Etsy, and Wayfair to quickly get their hands on household needs including electronics, furniture, clothing, gifts, food and more. Fortunately, these boxes are made …
As more and more people purchase everything from televisions to toothpaste from ecommerce sites like, and, cardboard shipping box consumption has skyrocketed over the past few years. Fortunately, a large percentage of theses cardboard boxes ends up …
Like many people furloughed or working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, you probably depend on deliveries from online companies such as Amazon for your everyday needs. And, like many people, you probably collect a pile of cardboard boxes. With …