4 Tips to Turn Your Company Green
Starting a business recycling program is not always a top priority and sometimes gets dismissed. When there is a company to run, products to manufacture, clients to contact, and a job to do, business recycling can get pushed down the to-do list. But wait, there’s good news!
The good news is that recycling in the office is not a distraction, nor does it require a large investment like those needed for espresso machines, on-site gyms, and pool tables. In practice, setting up a business recycling program is easy and transparent. Plus, recycling builds team unity in that it is a coordinated employee effort with the common goal of reducing office waste. Even better, your company is playing an important role to help the environment. Recycling has all these benefits using cans, paper, cardboard, and other recyclables that already exist in your workplace.
How do you get started? Here are some insights that can help you boost your business recycling program. It’s really easy to go green!
1. Start with the Basics
This article shares how even the most elementary actions can encourage saving energy and other resources. In the copy room try changing copier settings and purchasing copy paper with recycled content. Buy reusable coffee mugs and an energy star microwave oven for the break room. Place dedicated recycling receptacles in every room, office, or common area. These tips aren’t rocket science, but they will certainly get your office greener.

2. Discover the Doers
Chances are there is already a person or group of people in your organization who has a passion for the environment and is an advocate for recycling and related efforts. Find that person (or group) and create a task force of doers who can idealize, initiate, and manage the recycling program. Support them in their efforts and request updates on their progress and results. By organizing this initiative and delegating your business recycling program to the most qualified team members, you show your commitment to environmental efforts while adding purpose to those who participate.
Call Texas Recycling for Customized Business Recycling Programs 214-357-0262
3. Leverage What Exists Already
You don’t need to re-invent the wheel. There are virtually limitless resources that understand the unique and individual needs of business recycling programs. At Texas Recycling, we can show how easy it is to get started and set up a customized recycling program. You may be surprised to learn that recycling might even open an untapped revenue source for your company. SmallBizTrends, a great resource for business leaders, shares some additional advice on beginning a business recycling program. It was written a number of years ago, but still remains relevant today. For even more inspiration, here’s an article we wrote with examples of companies who have made being green an everyday part of their company’s culture and business model.
4. Encourage Employees to “Take It Home”
An easy, no-cost way to share your business’s commitment to recycling and sustainability is to simply emphasize the importance of recycling at home. Communicate how reducing, reusing, and recycling at home can multiply the environmental efforts being done at the office. Encourage environmental awareness in all aspects of your employee’s lives, not just in the office. Share helpful ideas and distribute resources for residential recycling in the neighboring communities.
So go ahead and start a business recycling program at your company! It’s best when kept simple and led by advocates with a personal passion for the environment. You and your company will definitely reap the rewards!
Business Recycling with Texas Recycling in Dallas
Are you ready to start a business recycling program? Does your company want to become greener? We have commercial or industrial recycling programs. With large volumes, your business might qualify for Texas Recycling’s recycling pick-up service in Dallas and surrounding areas. Our team of specialists can review your unique needs and design a customized program that may even earn extra revenue for your business. Call 214-357-0262 to learn more.