recycling center recycling sorting conveyor

Improper Disposal at the Recycling Center: Aspirational Recycling

Posted by: TXrecycle Tags: There is no tags | Categories: Recycling, Articles

If only the average American could be a fly on the wall when recycling center employees sift through literally tons of the recycled materials processed every day. If they could, maybe they would see for themselves the many consumer recycling mistakes that take place. They may also see why experts say not everything is recyclable and that it is better to do your research before tossing oddball items into the same recycling bin. The Environmental Protection Agency’s most recent statistics show that Americans produced 292.4 million tons of municipal solid waste in 2018 alone, or 4.9 pounds per person per day. And while the EPA estimates that most of those items are recyclable, there is plenty of aspirational recycling going on.

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recycled cardboard boxes kids play

Given the popularity of online ordering for office and home supplies, consumers now have an abundance of cardboard boxes. As a result, the natural question they’re asking is, “What can we do with them once we’re done that’s responsible and good for the environment?” At Texas Recycling, we strive to follow the 3 Rs—Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. While recycled cardboard boxes are preferable to disposing of them in the local landfill, reusing or upcycling them prior to recycling is an even better way to reduce our environmental impact.

So, if you have a slew of empty boxes taking over your supply closet, break room, or garage, don’t fret. Here are some fun and simple ideas to upcycle those empty cardboard boxes.

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recyclers new group teens

Up-and-Coming Recyclers Leading the Charge Toward Sustainability

Posted by: TXrecycle Tags: There is no tags | Categories: Articles, Recycling

We’ve been in the recycling business for more than 30 years, and it never gets old seeing positive changes taking place in our industry and each community’s attitudes toward recycling and sustainability. Don’t get us wrong; we still have a long way to go when it comes to protecting our planet. But it’s exciting that the next generation of recyclers is already making an indelible mark on what could be in the not-so-distant future.

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recycled products gift giving

There are many reasons to love the month of December. Perhaps the number one reason is that it is the season of giving—a chance to make your list and check it twice. And hopefully, your spouse/partner, kids, extended family, friends, co-workers, employees, etc., have been nice rather than naughty. But rather than shop online for standard gifts, have you considered going green with recycled products as presents? Choosing to purchase these eco-friendly treasures not only showcases your thoughtfulness but also makes a positive impact on our planet. Continue reading for our 2023 Holiday Gift Guide!

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America Recycles Day Nov 15

America Recycles Day is November 15th

As soon as the calendar flips to November, many of us look forward to the excitement of the holiday season, getting ready for Thanksgiving, and the inevitable infiltration of visiting friends and family members. It’s a joyous time! But before the turkey arrives and our home is buzzing with loved ones, we have one important item to check off our to-do list: America Recycles Day. The annual initiative—slated for November 15 and driven by the Keep America Beautiful Initiative—is a welcome reminder to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

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