As appeared in Scrap News (July 5, 2022), Want to Build Ties with Police? Let Them Turn a K-9 Loose in Your Facility by Hannah Zuckerman Six years ago, Texas Recycling Inc. moved from an industrial area to a residential neighborhood in Dallas. …
As appeared in Scrap News (July 5, 2022), Want to Build Ties with Police? Let Them Turn a K-9 Loose in Your Facility by Hannah Zuckerman Six years ago, Texas Recycling Inc. moved from an industrial area to a residential neighborhood in Dallas. …
As one of the leading multi-material recycling companies in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, Texas Recycling is committed recycling awareness. We want to spread the word about how recycling benefits individuals, municipalities, organizations, and businesses of all sizes. Plus, we strive to be a go-to resource for tips and ideas on how to recycle successfully and how to reduce waste in the workplace, at home, and in the community.
It’s no secret that Americans are obsessed with technology. From big screen TVs to wearable tech, tablets, smart phones and drones, our love affair with electronics is in full bloom. We crave the latest versions of electronic devices. We want …
Go Ahead and Print: The Environmental and Economic Benefits of Printing Email with Paper Recycling
The global need for cardboard boxes continues to skyrocket as consumers bombard e-commerce sites like Amazon, Etsy, and Wayfair to quickly get their hands on household needs including electronics, furniture, clothing, gifts, food and more. Fortunately, these boxes are made …