An Eco-Friendly Holiday Reduces Holiday Waste
We don’t know about you, but once Fall begins we start to think about the holidays. Not only do we anticipate eating leftover chocolate after Halloween, but we also start planning holiday gatherings. This year we’ve been asked by our customers for advice on how to do something different and include the environment in planning. Did you know that more trash is thrown away between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day than any other time of year? Seasonal extra waste amounts to 25 million tons of garbage nationwide. That’s a lot of extra paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, and aluminum cans from holiday celebrations. That’s why more and more people are becoming committed to eco-friendly holiday entertaining.
Imagining all that waste, some parents want to set an example for their children to respect the planet. They may even aim for a zero or low waste holiday season. In researching tips and ideas to make holiday entertaining eco-friendly without sacrificing our family traditions, there’s quite a few! Here are some of the simplest and best tips for eco-friendly holiday entertaining. Which ones are you going to try?
8 Eco-Friendly Holiday Entertaining Tips from Texas Recycling
Tips for Eco-friendly Holiday Entertaining
- Instead of plastic wrap that ends up in the garbage, use reusable containers and recyclable aluminum foil for storing food.
- Reusable containers are great for sending home leftovers or bringing donated food to a local shelter or food bank.
- Clean up may be a little extra work, but using washable utensils, plates, glasses, napkins, and table covers instead of paper and/or plastic will help keep more trash out of the landfill. Use that set of your grandmother’s China sitting in the back of the cabinet! If you don’t have enough at home, you can rent these items from a local company or purchase inexpensively from a secondhand store.
- Extra body heat from all your guests will keep everyone warm and toasty. Turn down the heat and turn on the ceiling fan to circulate warm air.
- Buy and prepare food from local sources.
- Serve smaller portions on smaller plates to minimize food waste. If someone is still hungry, they can always get more!
- Avoid serving individually packaged snacks and drinks.
- Run appliances only when full. Cook multiple items in the oven at the same time, and only run the dishwasher with a full load.
Texas Recycling Cares about Reducing Holiday Waste 214-357-0262

13 Decorating Ideas for Eco-Friendly Holiday Entertaining
In addition to eco-friendly holiday entertaining, what about decorating your home with eco-friendly items? Holiday decorating with the environment in mind doesn’t mean skipping the holiday fun. You can enjoy a festive and inviting home with a clear conscience by not contributing to the waste the holiday season generates each year. Here are some of our favorite green decoration ideas to inspire you:
Eco-Friendly Holiday Decorating Tips
- Replace—and recycle—old style light bulbs with LED lighting. Solar LED lights outside will enhance the holiday feel.
- Use a timer to turn off decorative lights at the end of the evening. Don’t leave them on all night.
- Look for decorations that will last a long time and can bring you joy year after year.
- Decorate with potted plants that can continue to be enjoyed after the holidays.
- Pinecones, berries, and flowers make beautiful decorations throughout the home.
- Get the kids and create homemade decorations from reusable and compostable materials.
- String a garland out of popcorn and cranberries.
- Update old, tired ornaments with Papier-mâché and/or paint.
- Decorate your tree with sentimental items: costume jewelry, travel souvenirs, and other memorabilia.
- Create an intriguing atmosphere with candles instead of lights. Just be sure to take safety precautions, especially if you have children. Don’t put candles too close to your tree.
- Use a traditional candle menorah instead of an electric one. Again, use safe practices to prevent a fire.
- Learn about your city’s tree and wreath recycling procedures.
- Avoid tinsel and plastic decorations that will end up in landfills. Try one of these tinsel alternatives.

It’s never too early to start planning for the holidays! Besides, if you are going to get crafty, it takes some time to produce masterpieces that will be enjoyed year after year. Do you love having guests over the holidays? This year, get excited to plan eco-friendly holiday entertaining and minimizing holiday waste. Happy planning!
Are You Ready for an Eco-Friendly Partner?
Does your company want to minimize waste during the holidays and all year round? Texas Recycling has recycling solutions for your industrial and commercial recyclable materials. A customized recycling program with Texas Recycling will help the environment and help your company’s bottom line. Start recycling responsibly and affordably. To see if your company’s recycling volume qualifies for a commercial account, call Texas Recycling at 214-357-0262 or contact us.